April 7, 2009

Laptop-less For A While

My computer stopped working last Wednesday and i've been silently suffering without. I make no excuses about my addiction to the digital realm and without my programs, internets and music (which is ALL on my comp) I may as well be without a limb.
I am making do with spartan use of my mother's computer, though it is clunky, missing favoured and what i consider, necessary, software, it is still a little lifeline of escapism I need.
Today, I gave in to my digital sketching addiction by installing GIMP on this poor RAM deprived machine and gave it a good go.
Like a friend said, it's no Photoshop *sobs* but it will do for now, at least until I get Laptop back.
This is what I managed to doodle in GIMP.
It's a very close program to photoshop in regard to options and specs but there's just something missing about it, I can only say it's the fluidity of use, or something, and perhaps the sensetivity of the brushes themselves that feel different in a very noticeable way. Eh.
Blah, enough rambling. Get to the arts.

I agree, it's no Mona Lisa, but whatevs.
It was also meant to be Felicien when I started it but... no. Sigh.


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